The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #157771   Message #3726236
Posted By: Dave the Gnome
26-Jul-15 - 11:58 AM
Thread Name: BS: £3 paid?
Subject: RE: BS: £3 paid?
What I find really worrying is that politics have move that far to the right that anyone slightly left of Oswald Mosley is now treated as a left wing agitator. It is easy to blame the media and their puppet masters but it is us, the voters, that have accepted it and allowed it to happen. Trouble is that we don't seem to know what to do about it. I don't anyway but I am pretty sure that the rampant consumerism that we are now seeing will, in a number of years, be as dead as eastern bloc communism. Any form of extremism cannot be healthy for the economy or the people. There are, luckily, a number of high profile business and other leaders who do seem to understand that one cannot survive by weighting any part of the economic equation so heavily that the other suffers. I only hope that the global realisation happens sooner rather than later and if by becoming labour party leader Mr Corbyn sends a message to that effect it can only be for the good.