The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #157771   Message #3726511
Posted By: akenaton
27-Jul-15 - 12:17 PM
Thread Name: BS: £3 paid?
Subject: RE: BS: £3 paid?
Its quite simple really, you want a Capitalist system, you take what it gives you. Capitalism doesn't do equality.

Must I list again the inequalities inherent to the system?   You've seen them all in glorious Technicolor over the past decade. Christ if you don't understand how unequal we are now after the financial crash and umpteen wars founded on ignorance, you never will.

To make Capitalism work well, we require inequality, exploitation, war, theft and selfishness.....not love and the brotherhood of man, that's why leftist governments always make a mess of the economy, they stop Capitalism working efficiently.

You must make a choice, the status quo, with all the negatives for our descendants and the obscene wealth differentials....or make a start on a different kind of society which values nature and puts community before "self" and wastefulness.