The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #157786   Message #3726688
Posted By: bubblyrat
28-Jul-15 - 09:54 AM
Thread Name: BS: Guns - keep banging the rocks together
Subject: RE: BS: Guns - keep banging the rocks together
The problem in Britain is the hypocrisy of it all. When a guy went doolally a few years back, and murdered a number of people in the town of Hungerford, the IMMEDIATE reaction of our government was to BAN all semi-automatic rifles.Later atrocities led to a COMPLETE ban on hand-guns of ANY sort, and also semi-auto and pump-action shotguns were limited to 3 rounds only .Pump-action shotguns,by the way,are regarded with GRAVE SUSPICION in Britain.
I asked (politely) many police officers, over time, if the various murderers had chosen to kill by driving Landrovers or Jeeps Cherokee into crowds, or bus-queues,would the government have immediately banned these types of vehicles ? The answer, of course, is/was always "No, of COURSE not ! ! " .
Meanwhile , our Olympic pistol-shooting team have to travel to FRANCE every time they want to practice !! It is INSANE !!!
PS ; I used to own a Mossberg 20-gauge pump; it was DELIGHTFUL !!