The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #157801   Message #3726777
Posted By: GUEST,Time stamp
28-Jul-15 - 04:24 PM
Thread Name: BS: One for the astrophysicist
Subject: RE: BS: One for the astrophysicist
Hi Fergie, remember I wrote my belief. Either later on today or soon when I have more time, I will try and explain why I lean towards what I said.Been a while since I gave it serious thinking so need time to express it cohesively.I am open to be educated if persuaded otherwise.
          @Jack--" " -I think consciousness is euphemism for God. I prefer my universe utterly devoid of man-made concepts like consciousness or divinity so we can marvel at things like GRAVITY which is so much more amazing than make believe. And they're still figuring it out." "
          I'm usually in agreement with the majority of what you post Jack,but can we keep personal notions of God out of it, or it will go tits up. Trying to define "God" gets fekin tedious quick. 8)