The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #157786   Message #3727224
Posted By: Richard Bridge
30-Jul-15 - 11:36 AM
Thread Name: BS: Guns - keep banging the rocks together
Subject: RE: BS: Guns - keep banging the rocks together
Yes but -

Once we got hold of what a warmonger B.Liar really was, his star was no longer in the ascendant and eventually off he went (until, like a vampire, he rose from the dead to try to sabotage the people's desire for Corbyn to lead the Labour party - but I disgress). That it at the root of many of the disagreements between Mither and me. He's a Blairite. And possibly a Mandelbaumite too.

Further - we are in the beginning of the era in which the fourth estate Balkanises, and the barriers to entry in media are going down. If IS can use the new media so effectively to recruit and propagandise, so can we. The more people we can educate into believing that in some areas the USA is beyond the pale, the sooner change for the better may come.