The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #157582   Message #3727711
Posted By: Dorothy Parshall
01-Aug-15 - 09:24 PM
Thread Name: 'Clutter's Last Stand' +fitness July thru Sep 2015
Subject: RE: 'Clutter's Last Stand' +fitness July thru Sep 2015
Beaver Haven:

R asleep in a chair after a long busy four days. The studio is all together with a lovely new galvanized roof and new plywood floor. The can of paint for the floor is sitting there. R thought he had the energy to paint after supper at the Halibut but....

Bruno left for Montreal about 5:30 after a Trojan job! There is still a need for windows, a door, insulation... But for now it is quite adequate. Cold weather won't be bad until September! I am terrifically excited. R is happy that his flatbed trailer is de-cluttered and can now be used for other needs.

Our $100 shed has ended up costing over $1000 - we have not toted it up yet. Hopefully it will be less than the $2800 a neighbour spent on a lovely pine shed. We are happy with it in any case.

A friend can hardly wait to play with clay - still has the things she made in 1995 when I last gave classes here. We had great fun! There will be no classes here; just one or two at a time by appointment or "just come when you can if you can work on your own." I refuse to clutter life with the necessity of being there every ... at... o'clock.

Tomorrow R gets to play - Gemboree, yard sales, the Art show, whatever... Long weekend in Ontario.

I am enthralled by VT's de-cluttering! Congratulations on an organized good job of it! And a move to a wonderful new home.

The floating flooring I purchased for the house has gone to Montreal with B to be used in a large room in one of R's buildings. I decided painted plywood would be quite adequate.

After driving around for 3 days, collecting needful items, perhaps I can start washing the "new" K cabinets tomorrow. I think the old ones can go into the studio. I took two doors out of the house and R put them in the back-back shed but I would like them totally gone - to the thrift warehouse when we have a truck. A sheepskin coat, gifted to us, was passed on to a friend who will find it a good home. "What else can I get rid of?", I ask myself as I look around! Some of the old carpeting might be useful to someone also if we can truck it somewhere.

The former house owner, who grew up, with several siblings in this 600 sf house, stopped by while I was out and told R about the septic system and water system and was delighted to see the house having new life. They lived in the kitchen while her dad built the next part. In the "new" section, there was a bathtub with a piece of plywood over it - where she slept.

The parents must have done something right as she and her siblings have larger homes now. And R and I are happy with our tiny house and studio. We hope for another shed for his library sometime. That would bring us up to 800 sf of space plus the way back sheds for a work shop and rough storage. LOTS of room!

Gorgeous weather - cool and breezy but the sun was hot. Rain squalls today dampened the art and craft show! And delighted Bruno who kept on working on the roof!