The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #6091   Message #37278
Posted By: Bob Bolton
07-Sep-98 - 02:30 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Dunn, Gilbert and Ben Hall (Wyndham-Read)
Subject: RE: Ben Hall Song - Help wanted
G'day Suzanne,

I just realised that I had not come back with my promised ABC/MIDI of the tune. I now have the old computer back - much sprightlier after a brain/heart/lung (read: CPU-Motherboard/RAM/Hard Disk) transplant. I shall see how the writtem tunes compare with Martyn's and post the best version.

By the way, some of these pieces of knowledge are not always so remote as they look. One set of my great, great grandparents, on my mother's side, were married in the Catholic Church in Bathurst in 1856 - the same church and the same year that Ben Hall married Bridget! To increase the busgranging link, it seems reasonably sure that my great, great grandmother, nee Anne Quinn, was sister to Ellen Quinn - the mother of Ned Kelly ... our last and most (in)famous bushranger. This makes Ned my first cousin four times removed!


Bob Bolton