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Thread #157801   Message #3727994
Posted By: GUEST,Time stamp
03-Aug-15 - 01:24 PM
Thread Name: BS: One for the astrophysicist
Subject: RE: BS: One for the astrophysicist
From: GUEST,Time stamp
Date: 28 Jul 15 - 02:04 PM

"Well didn't Stars form first so galaxies followed you/I would guess.My belief is consciousness came first which in turn formed everything.Just not consciousness as we humans currently understand it."

From: GUEST,Time stamp
Date: 28 Jul 15 - 04:24 PM

". . . can we keep personal notions of God out of it, or it will go tits up. Trying to define "God" gets fekin tedious quick. 8)" "

       Guest10:09 AM, I know you think you have made a point,and I can understand why you think that.But ... when I say consciousness I don't mean God.I do though understand why people would think it is the source or God of their culture when experienced in its purest form.
   Imo and a lot of others now and through the ages, for valid reasons, think/thought that if we can just get a better grasp/understanding on consciousness mankind will make a big leap in both science and our nature (what it is to be a human being).At the moment we live stunted half lives.
   Back to the OP,I'll say again when I say I think consciousness is the source of evolution, the universe,the all, I don't mean God as I've ever seen written. Attaching human qualities to what I'm talking about should be resigned to the past.
   If you want to expand further guest, start a thread.8)