The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #28582   Message #372912
Posted By: Richard Bridge
11-Jan-01 - 02:56 PM
Thread Name: HELP with UK Music Licencing problem?
Subject: RE: HELP with UK Music Licencing problem?
Oh dear.

One more time.

Public = public can get in.

Entertainment = to be gawped at or possibly but not necessarily participated in or enjoyed.

2 public entertainers = no licence needed.

3 public entertainers = licence needed.

If you want to change the law, hassle Tony Blair. Or perhaps the Department of Culture Media and Sport (or whatever they have now changed the name to). Not your publican or the council.

If you want to go broke, get a solicitor and seek a declaration that the Human Rights Act renders the previous law unlawful.

If you are entitled to legal aid, (I think we do have some members who are) get a legal aid solicitor. As good a choice as any might be Benedict Birnberg, and another might be Chris Magrath. Both in the directory. Or there's that other human rights firm that acted for the MaWhinney Four (the name will come back to me soon).