The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #29392   Message #372965
Posted By: GUEST,Trish
11-Jan-01 - 04:51 PM
Thread Name: Ken Burns Jazz? Really that stupid?
Subject: RE: BS: Ken Burns? Really that stupid?
Hmmm...interesting reads here. Thank you. I'm a mite surprised by some of the takes, though. Especially from so many obviously learned people. See, I don't think Burns intends to send doctorate diplomas out for faithful viewing of this American Experience series. And an American Experience it really truly is, in my humble opinion. What I think is, all this is meant for someone like myself. Someone who has never and possibly will ever understand or embrace jazz completely. Someone who truly cringed at brass bands and big big sounds. Especially if guitars, harmonicas and accordians are missing...and music with little or no guidance to understanding. My ears happen to enjoy the sweet sadder sounds of the Blues or depressing ballads of life gone wrong in general. But I'm always trying to learn...and indeed the series so far has been infectious and has given me some long lacking respect for this musical style. I've hit the books, the net and the local library...I've downloaded Tiger Rage, Westend Blues and a mess of others I've never heard consciously before...I've order from CdNow and Amazon and I've pulled so many searches my PC's frozen twice today. *shrug* Maybe that's what Burns meant to do with this series, do ya think? That's the REAL American Experience. The ability to offer something to someone who's never had it before and be appreciated for the effort. That and the opportunity to learn. For that I thank him and PBS. As for poor Winston...I've heard Kenny G. and I'll opt for Winston any day. *counting my blessings* If I were a business man...I would most assuredly go with someone who could "connect" with those who watch. You hafta admit he loves the music with a capital L. That alone almost makes ME love it. *grin* Well, just my thoughts and I hope ya'll aren't annoyed. The bigger picture sometimes means more than the sum of it's parts. Parts are parts. ;) Thanks, ya'll. Trisha

(p.s. What have I learned? *grin* Well, I guess it's that you don't really NEED guidance with has to talk to you, you hafta feel it when it does. And horror of horrors...that it's okay to NOT have Martin Simpson, Richard Thompson, Albert Lee, Buddy Guy or any other idol of mine wailing on a guitar. Got to admit that was a hard one to admit. ;)