The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #157914   Message #3730757
Posted By: MGM·Lion
16-Aug-15 - 02:31 PM
Thread Name: Repeating first verse at the end
Subject: RE: Repeating first verse at the end
It does indeed depend on the song. Sometimes it feels appropriate, tho generally not, I should say. I usually eg end "The Skillet Pot" by speaking the last line of the last chorus, only because it seems to me to fit there. But I shouldn't dream of doing it on every song. "Butter & Cheese & All" I sing semi cante-fable, with a line, or even a word or two, spoken every now & again. Both these are songs I sing unaccompanied. In Butter&Cheese I do make the last verse a sort of repeat of the first, with variations; so that "Well, now you call on me to sing I'll see what I can do" becomes in last verse "So, then, you called on me to sing & I've showed what I could do", &c.

You can hear what I mean on my youtube channel

But I agree that such shtick should be used sparingly, and certainly not done every time whether it feels right or not so that it takes the whole gig over.
