The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #29355   Message #373118
Posted By: GUEST,Julia
11-Jan-01 - 10:22 PM
Thread Name: Early Maine music
Subject: RE: Early Maine music
Amen! on the recommendation for MacLeod's- lots of good eats and not only on the way to Orono- also right off the road on the way to Acadia. We should all meet there for a confab! Uncle Jaque's idea of a mass research day sounds great- kind of like joint treasure hunt. (I'll show you mine if you show me yours!)(No remarks, Kendall) Harpgirl- too bad you're so far away- we could play harp duets. I play celtic harp. We could get a harmonica player and a jaw harpist and have a wicked good "harp" quartet! About the music- Joe Hickerson of the National archives gave me some info about a book called "The Warbler" published in Hallowell Maine in 1804. No music, but had lyrics to "Broom o'the Cowdenknowes" among others. Worth a look.