The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #157944   Message #3732144
Posted By: Raedwulf
21-Aug-15 - 12:49 PM
Thread Name: BS: How to have a civil debate
Subject: RE: BS: How to have a civil debate
Keith - I rarely respond to you directly. But all too many of the most unpleasant & poisonous threads I've read have YOU as a very active participant. Frequently, your contributions, by volume, swamp the responses of anyone else. You're on the way to doing it here (I discount DavetG's contributions - he started the thread, so he's entitled to respond to everyone).

See above - why don't you take a minute to stop & think? How many people do you think pay attention to what you say? How many do you think see "Keith A..." and react to that rather than to what you actually say? Is that why you are here? Do you want people to consider your opinion, or do you just like the sound of your own voice?

Me, I'd rather be understood than agreed with, as I've already said. You? I dunno... I'm sure you're a thoroughly nice chap, but as a random bunch of pixels, you've a hell of a track record at pissing off other random pixels! Just a thought... ;-)