The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #157976   Message #3732630
Posted By: Raedwulf
23-Aug-15 - 01:58 PM
Thread Name: BS: Sigh
Subject: RE: BS: Sigh
Mr Mather, I'll agree or disagree with your expressed opinion. The way you express it is too often objectionable, which I always disagree with. Sometimes, I admit, I respond to you in the way you respond to others and, yes, you're quite right, two wrongs don't make a right (not that I expect you to admit that you ever give anyone else just cause...).

Given the "revisionist" remark, I don't think it was unreasonable of me to presume that you fall more on the "Butchers" side of the argument. But I phrased what I said carefully (carefully enough that we seem to be talking instead of slanging each other, anyway! ;-) ), because I don't know for sure.

Incidentally, we do often... well maybe agree is going a bit far, but we're often on the same side of the argument. More often than you may realise. So, out of curiosity, what do you think, broadly, on WWI? Butchers, blameless, or somewhere betwixt & between? (Incidentally, The Donkeys - written by someone who later happily admitted that he made up at least one very well known quote!)

And Ake, I've been known to tell you're being a bloody idiot in public. I've no idea why, but you seem to accept it from me, when you object to it from others. At the minute, you're being a bloody idiot again. Give it a rest, eh? You're not doing yourself any favours, old son.