The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #29388 Message #373267
Posted By: SINSULL
12-Jan-01 - 08:59 AM
Thread Name: BS: Oh, Them Good Ole Days...
Subject: RE: BS: Oh, Them Good Ole Days...
Anyone watching the PBS series on a family living the 1901 (?) life? Mostly they smell bad. And the wife has aged 20 years in one week. I remember 15 cent burgers at White Castle and nickle day. And penny candy for a penny. My first summer job paid $35/week and offices closed when the temperature went over 90 - no air conditioning.Ladies all wore matching bags and shoes and white gloves to work. NO SLACKS EVER! We were not permitted to wear slacks to college until my senior year. NO JEANS at all. Life is good now - casual wear in the office.