The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #157929   Message #3732818
Posted By: Jim Carroll
24-Aug-15 - 08:05 AM
Thread Name: BS: electing a new labour leader
Subject: RE: BS: electing a new labour leader
"Jim, it is not the "right" who are attempting to stop"
Yes it is Ake - they are trying to make him electable.
"I expect they would delighted to see him as Labour leader."
I very much doubt that - otherwise, why are right wing rags such as Murdoch's Times and the Daily Wail putting so much effort into making sure he is not?
What you appear to be suggesting is that left-wing policies will never be acceptable to the electorate - in which case, we may as well all piss off and sharpen our scythes, and leave the parliamentarians at it.
"The "Blairite liberals"
I do wish you would stop misusing the term 'Liberal' - it's the last thing you could possible accuse Blair and his acolytes of.
A bit of liberality would make the world a better place.
Definition of Liberal
"willing to respect or accept behaviour or opinions different from one's own; open to new ideas."
Jim Carroll