The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #157976   Message #3733153
Posted By: akenaton
25-Aug-15 - 01:44 PM
Thread Name: BS: Sigh
Subject: RE: BS: Sigh
Jim...As a CP member, I attended many demonstrations, It was one step forward and two back.
Just down the road from where I live we were out almost every weekend protesting about the American base and the start of the nuclear weapons dump at Coulport, now it contains enough WMDs to turn the world into a desert.
We never got a socialist voice in Parliament, we got Blair
The housing situation is dire, the NHS is about to collapse as now its about avoiding litigation not treating patients...the waste of money is just unbelievable...the wealth gap has widened, youth unemployment is at ridiculous rates...(I'm talking about real jobs here)....."liberalism" has done nothing to make society better, there are millions with no future.