The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #157929   Message #3733279
Posted By: Jim Carroll
26-Aug-15 - 05:35 AM
Thread Name: BS: electing a new labour leader
Subject: RE: BS: electing a new labour leader
"but don't forget, it was the "liberalism" of the banking system which was a major cause of its failure."
Mre Alice in Wonderland Ake - words mean what I want them to mean.
You make as much nonsense of the English language as you do of left politics.
"Everything requires regulation including society"
It does, as does understanding why people act the way they do - the disfranchisement and alienation experienced by many people in today's society - young blacks stopped and searched for being black, the frustration of unemployed people who are treated like social pariahs.... writing them off as "stone-throwing thugs, doesn't hack it - more alienation.
We live in a society which is built on unbridled consumerism - why should we be surprised when people become part of it?
Violent confrontation is unproductive, but it's also two sided - I was part of the giant Grosvner Square demo, and watched as people threw banners at the police - then went and joined them when the formed barriers against demonstrators (provocateurs, planted in among the demonstrators)
I watched the footage of striking miners being baton charged by mounted policemen - beautifully represented by a miner's wife about to have her head laid open by a baton wielding thug on horseback.
You've expressed toyr contempt for Blair Peach, who was murdered by having his head rammed into the corner of a wall by two 'guardians of the law!!'.
You eally have to make up your mind which side you're on if you claim to be a "socialist" - so far you've made a point of throwing your stones at 'our side'.
Personal rights - that's what we protect because it's what affects us most.
You have a strange, schizophrenic approach to politics I couldn't begin to understand.
Jim Carroll