The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #158007   Message #3733841
Posted By: Jim Carroll
28-Aug-15 - 08:12 PM
Thread Name: BS: David Cameron is execrable
Subject: RE: BS: David Cameron is execrable
"The teachings of Christ sing sweetly throughout his work"
Yet religious hypocricy and the bigotry of the church was a constant theme in Burns' works - the cutty stool, the shaming of 'sinners'.. burns at his bitter best.
Burns reveled in sexuality - a total anathema to the church.
You seem to have your own take on everything which has nothing whatever to do with actual reality
"IMO Freemasonry is the epitome of cronyism,"
it is now - Burns certainly didn't regard it as such, and for the times he lived in he was a libertarian and a humanist.
Taking values from Burns' time and applying them to today just doesn't work.
a href="">Burns' politics
Jim Carroll