The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #158007   Message #3734354
Posted By: MGM·Lion
31-Aug-15 - 05:34 AM
Thread Name: BS: David Cameron is execrable
Subject: RE: BS: David Cameron is execrable
For the record --

"Hamish Scott Henderson, (11 November 1919 – 9 March 2002; Scottish Gaelic: Seamas MacEanraig (Seamas Mòr)) was a Scottish poet, songwriter, communist, soldier and intellectual." Wikipedia

I knew him slightly. I admired his achievements, but was not alone in finding him an exceptionally contentious person, touchy to a fault & constantly picking quarrels over imagined and unintentional slights. I particularly remember his shouting for an uninterrupted 15 minutes at Peter Bellamy, who had said to him of a resentful and pugnacious remark he had made backstage about having been deliberately neglected by the organisers of the Cambridge Festival in the early 1970s, "Isn't that a bit uncharitable, Hamish?" Mr Henderson stopped us on the way out at the end of the evening [Pete & Anthea were staying over as usual with Valerie & me in Cambridge], said to Pete, "Could I just have a quick word? - What do you mean by calling me uncharitable!", and launched into that denunciatory diatribe which Anthea & I listened to in astounded puzzlement. One of those experiences which live with me from that hour to this.


Sorry for this drift from topic of Mr Cameron, but it's the way the thread seems to have gone