The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #158048   Message #3734517
Posted By: Richard Mellish
31-Aug-15 - 05:25 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Goodbye America (Phil Colclough)
Subject: Lyr Req: Goodbye America, Farewell New York Town
Once upon a time I had a recording (either my own or copied from a friend, I don't remember which) from a folk club (possibly Edinburgh University Folk Song Society) of a chap giving a long introduction about being on a ship with a cargo of monkeys, and then singing a song, the chorus of which ran roughly thus:
Goodbye America, farewell New York Town
Your hard streets and concrete have surely done me down.
You courted me with tinsel, you spent my money blind,
But adios America, I'm leaving you behind.

I half learnt the song and intended to finish learning it one of these decades. But now I've consulted my indexes and there it isn't.