The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #157833   Message #3734937
Posted By: GUEST,Kieran
02-Sep-15 - 11:28 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Love is Pleasin' (Eddie Delahunt)
Subject: RE: Origins: Love is Pleasin'
Ok, thanks all. So I still don't feel like my mystery has been solved. I already know of the version by Eddie Delahunt, after all, I provided it.

I suppose my question was is his version an original, or is the song 'Love is Pleasin' a traditional song (seems like most of Eddie's stuff is traditional). And, if it is a traditional song, I was hoping to find some information about it: background, lyrics, etc.

I'm having a hard time making the connection to the Jean Richie 'O Love is Pleasin' song... I think they are two different songs entirely. Any more help would be much appreciated. Thanks! I'm one step away from reaching out to Mr. Eddie Delahunt himself.