The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #158007   Message #3735357
Posted By: Steve Shaw
04-Sep-15 - 12:34 PM
Thread Name: BS: David Cameron is execrable
Subject: RE: BS: David Cameron is execrable
"It is a critical evaluation of your posts on this subject"

Well it isn't a very good one.

"how I raise and educate my children is frankly none of your concern and it is presumptuous of you to think it is"

I have never concerned myself with the way you raise and educate your children as I don't know you from Adam. You're the one making it personal. I was speaking about people in general, not you or anyone else in particular.

I would just say (speaking in general again) that telling one's children that there is a God, making them pray and sing hymns in church and sit under a crucifix in a faith school has nothing to do with education and everything to do with indoctrination. But I'm sure you personally wouldn't dream of doing any of those things. Of course, that could be a rather sweeping statement, but sweeping statements that go with your own flow are probably OK, I assume.

"I know you can"t be offended, it is glaringly obvious."

I recommend the approach. Getting upset on an internet forum is the next worst thing to insanity.