The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #31628   Message #3736345
Posted By: GUEST
08-Sep-15 - 10:07 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Bheir Me O / Eriskay Love Lilt - meaning
Subject: RE: Origins: Eriskay Love Lilt
If you go to the School of Scottish Studies etc. tapes, you will find recordings of the Gaelic version that supposedly spawned the 'Eriskay Love Lilt. This is an on-line archive that you can listen to.   I don't hear much of the Kennedy-Fraser tune in the unaccompanied Gaelic recordings they cite.   Kennedy-Fraser is supposed to have heard it about 1910, being sung by a young girl. Perhaps she caught on to something and altered it in memory.   The site is called 'Kist o' Riches'.