The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #157984   Message #3736626
Posted By: akenaton
10-Sep-15 - 11:25 AM
Thread Name: BS: E Milliband was unelectable
Subject: RE: BS: E Milliband was unelectable
On this issue Keith is correct, bow out gracefully and stop obfuscating.

The only thing that matters in the meantime is that JC is elected leader and the old Blairite wing splits off and joins the Liberals, where they belong.
Jeremy will lead a socialist Labour Party which will include all sectors of socialist opinion.
In saying that, it will take PR and several elections if a socialist system is ever to be introduced.
Whereever we are coming from on the political spectrum, there is simply no way that this wasteful and ecologically unsustainable system can carry on into another century.....all shades of political opinion must be made to realise that.....the days of the great economic powers must surely be coming to an end.