The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #157984   Message #3736865
Posted By: DMcG
12-Sep-15 - 04:11 AM
Thread Name: BS: E Milliband was unelectable
Subject: RE: BS: E Milliband was unelectable
Given that we only half to wait two and a half hours, is it sensible to discuss this just now? If the leader is chosen by all three groups (long term members, affiliates and registered) then whether and to what extent the £3-ers contained the more extreme left and right is utterly irrelevant. If Corbyn doesn't win - and that's possible if the first round is not enough on its own - it is irrelevant. It is only if the decision comes down to the £3 group that matters. In the meantime the discussion is not about the leadership but which mud cater said what when, which is a bit boring as we can all read it for ourselves if we care enough.

I suggest people have patience to see what happens at 11:30 BST