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Thread #157984   Message #3736889
Posted By: Jim Carroll
12-Sep-15 - 06:49 AM
Thread Name: BS: E Milliband was unelectable
Subject: RE: BS: E Milliband was unelectable
"Come on Jim, you know the "hard left" will have been joining in droves,"
As they bloody well should
Following Blair's swinging the party to the extreme right and then involving Britain in a gulf war on the basis of lies and ignoring mass demonstrations, real socialists (not your sort) left the party in droves - it was argued that they should have stayed in and fought, but they decided that The Labour Party no longer represented socialism.
The Labour Party was set up, largely by the Trades Union Movement, to defend workers rights - those principles were betrayed.
It is only right that now there are signs of a leader who just might put the Labour party back on track, they should return to THEIR PARTY /font> and try and pull the country back from what it has been made by a combination of New Labour.
Conservative and Liberal Democratic policies.   
It is not infiltration to try and win back the party from those who have usurped it.
"Hard Left" is a bogeyman phrase invented by the press to smear decent, dedicated people (it is little different from the term "ultra-left", invented by the Stalinists in the fifties) - it doesn't surprise me in the least that you should use it.
"I doubt the BNP have many members left, so why the fuss?"
I have no interest in the BNP - I am interested in the fact that Keith condemned my exposing its tactics in relation to the Labour Party election.
The Tories did not join it "as a bit of a joke" - it was a deliberate campaign mounted by The Daily Telegraph - please avail yourself of the readily available evidence of this fact.
Wake up Ake - it's all happening!!
Jim Carroll