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Thread #157984   Message #3736970
Posted By: Jim Carroll
12-Sep-15 - 01:21 PM
Thread Name: BS: E Milliband was unelectable
Subject: RE: BS: E Milliband was unelectable
"I never disguise my links."
Nobody has ever attempted to disguise links Keith and you are wriggling like a worm to suggest anybody ever has.
On numerous occasions you have put up unattributed quotes, and I, among many others, have traced them and pointed out where they came from.
Your stupid explanation of your objecting to my putting up a quote from the B.N.P is now getting beyond a joke.
Are you totally incapable of accepting that you made a blunder in doing so?
You were caught out targeting the left for allegedly "entryism" into the Labour Party and when it was pointed out to you that the Conservatives were being organised to do just that, you panicked.
If you knew they were, you were stupid to just target the left - it shows your right wing bias.
Personally, I think you were caught on the wrong foot and grabbed the first thing you thought of.
You say that infiltration into another party is of no interest to you, which, as far as I am concerned, is an indication of your contempt for democracy in Britain - everybody should be interested when the electoral process is being interfered with.
I suggest you stop this nowe, before you dig yourself any deeper into the mess than you already have
If you reall were concerned about linking extremist threads, you would not have supported Bobad's huge Muslim Watch links the way you did
When in a hole - stop digging
Jim Carroll