The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #158163   Message #3738033
Posted By: Jim Carroll
17-Sep-15 - 07:53 PM
Thread Name: BS: Conservatives at Mudcat
Subject: RE: BS: Conservatives at Mudcat
"decimated by governments particularly mrs Thatcher,"
Thank you Dick - it's nice to have someone stand up for what Britain was good at rather than these "patriots" who tell us what crap we produced and how lazy and incompetent the British work force was - and is.
My first job was in an ship repair and engineering firm on the docks and I can remember the pride that people had in the ships we built - the skill and care that went into what be built - all sold out by Thatcher and her mob so rich layabouts like Denis T could bank another million.
And her supporters are still at it - telling us about "crap" British steel, which rolled off the lathe like tempered springs rather than falling off in dry chips like "superior" foreign steel (I can still remember the turner who shared the electrical workshop with us showing me how you could tell good British steel from the inferior stuff that was beginning to be shipped in to undermine British Steel products.
Jim Carroll