The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #158177   Message #3738629
Posted By: Steve Shaw
20-Sep-15 - 08:36 PM
Thread Name: Who has done the most for folk music?
Subject: RE: Who has done the most for folk music?
Bit of a conundrum here. If you've "done the most", it must mean that your music has been very widely disseminated, not just stayed local or "niche'". The trouble with that is that you are then more likely than not to have become commercial. Which means you may risk being put on a pedestal or lionised. Which may mean that you have to put "commercial" at the top of your agenda and stray somewhat away "from your roots". Your CDs will be professionally mastered with snazzy packaging and sell for fourteen or fifteen quid.

Don't you think that the people who have done most for folk music are the thousands of ordinary people who turn up of a Friday night at local pub back-rooms to have a go and endure everyone else who turns up to have a go? And the hard-working buggers who run the clubs or sessions, getting the best guests they can and putting them up on their sofas? Kudos to them, say I!