The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #29511   Message #373962
Posted By: InOBU
13-Jan-01 - 12:25 PM
Thread Name: Conservative Cavalry Round THREE!!!
Subject: RE: Conservative Cavalry Round THREE!!!
Hi ya MAV
As to personal attacks, it is one thing to comment on an obvious lack of education when you mistake corportate capitolism (democrats rather than lezie fare capitolists republicans...) for comunuists - and not being able to spell from someone who has made no secret of his learning disability, which did not keep him (me) from scoring in the one hunderd percentile in logic on the LSATS (the national law school admissions/aptitude test)- which by the way does not include a spelling test... So lets look at you proposal. We cut out government spending on say, health care for the indigent. Now, as has happened in New York, when we cut back on health care for the homeless, there is a rise in TB, suddunly folks on Wall Street are getting sick - fact is, what goies around comes around, and that's a Christian concept, but then again, next you'll lable Christ a commie, after all, he was not to much a fan of personal property and the wealthy... and as far as a wee bit UK - shite yes, I am Anglo Irish, and an American citizen, as far as uk though, as many here know about me, I am a Republican in Ireland, which means that I don't suport George W (the pretender) but rather I believe in the rights of citizens, not subjects...
By the way, if grad schools are controlled by commies, as you say, why is that, they took over at gun point - or scored higher, got better grades and in a sort of free market way, succeeded, or do you endorce government creating standards to keep leftists from runnign the grad schools (he said laughing histerically).
Hey speaking of funny, last night at 2am, my wife mother and I were on the floor laughing histerically. Seems my mother was hearing the sound of rushing water, called me, I went to her place with the wife and it was silent, so we rushed her to the hospitial. They did tests, no problem, just ringing in the ears, so we took her home. I said, as I opened her door, "now whatch a deluge of water is going to hi us, and they'll rush us back to the same doctor - they'll tell him three drowning victems, two of em are deaf..."
Cheers MAV, come the revolution you'll be the one getting us all to eat our borscht and vodka - it may surpise you to know that the conceratives here, were the party members over there!