The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #158223   Message #3741095
Posted By: Steve Shaw
01-Oct-15 - 06:48 AM
Thread Name: BS: The Pope in America
Subject: RE: BS: The Pope in America
The abuses are undeniable. It's just that you don't want to see. As I said, the whistleblowers were mostly people who had worked in the homes. Do some honest delving. No amount of my telling you will convince you. If that's how you want to turn away from stark reality, then you're even more religious than I thought you were. You're trying to turn this into a Hitchens versus Teresa war. Well it isn't. It's the scrap between truth and denial. Last time Lady Di come round to your house with armies of cameramen on a visit planned months in advance, did you forget to pick your dirty undies up off the floor and clear away the sinkful of washing up? Sheesh!

Now as for Ms Davis and her moral code, I'd have thought that her first moral duty in the post she held was to carry out the law of the land that had been arrived at via democratic means. Her refusal to issue those licences was illegal and vexatious, yet she was in a post that required her to issue them. As for the other element of sneakiness that appears to be creeping into this thread, the usual conflation of sex 'n' morals (particularly the "morality" of what consenting adults do in private, or whether they want to be married), let's just see whose moral code we are discussing here. Would it by any chance be an imposed and arbitrary moral code, arrived at by celibate men with little or no experience of sexual partnerships and who have lived a life untypical of the vast majority of their flock? Well I'll tell you what I think of moral codes. Real ones are not designed to keep people under control. Real ones start with the premise that what you do should not do harm either to yourself or to others. That you always aim to do what's good, not just for you but for everyone else. Then amplify that by never getting in the way do other people who are sticking to that tenet. Your moral codes that seek to instruct people how they should conduct their private lives are simply immoral. The Catholic Church's moral code relating to gay marriages, contraception and homosexuality is highly immoral, and insiders who care should be fighting it like mad. Not enough of you are seen to be doing so Secretly using condoms in contravention of the code is lily-livered. Let's hear you shouting it from the rooftops! Mother Teresa's moral codes were also highly immoral. It doesn't matter whether you yourself disapprove of abortion or homosexuality. Mother Teresa did not see room for compromise. She called mothers who had abortions murderers. She said that gay people who contracted Aids were getting their just desserts. Just saying those things is highly immoral in itself. I'm not having it that she was a simple Albanian nun who was of her time. You can absolve any wrongdoer in history with that horribly flawed approach. She was a scheming, capitalist fundamentalist who made millions by misrepresenting her work to the world. Simple Albanian nun my arse. And stop offending Albanians. That's just immoral.