The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #122213 Message #3741298
Posted By: Black belt caterpillar wrestler
02-Oct-15 - 08:23 AM
Thread Name: Wiil Ye Go Tae Flanders - best version
Subject: RE: Wiil Ye Go Tae Flanders - best version
My wife and I were asked to help provide a musical element to a play at Edgeworth last year to mark 100 years since the start of WW1. The play was augmented by projected images and stories of real people from the village. Despite my comments above we thought that this song was the most suitable to sing unaccompanied whilst images from the trenches were being shown. To increase the relevance we composed an extra verse, which may be of interest to anyone with a similar aim.
Will ye go to Flanders my Marie-oh, Will ye go to Flanders my bonny Marie-oh, We'll hear machine gun fire, See the gas clouds rising higher, And we'll cross the lines of wire, My Marie-oh.
We were facing the audience with the images projected behind and above us. I don't think that we could have done it with the pictures in view. It was a very emotional part of the performance.