The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #122213   Message #3741317
Posted By: GUEST
02-Oct-15 - 10:05 AM
Thread Name: Wiil Ye Go Tae Flanders - best version
Subject: RE: Wiil Ye Go Tae Flanders - best version
Subject: RE: Background info on Flanders
From: Bruce O. Date: 07 Apr 99 - 03:29 AM

It's from David Herd's 'Scots Songs', 1776. It's only got 2 verses. The tune was published earlier, c 1743 at the end of the first book of Oswald's 'Caledonian Pocket Companion'.

John Faulkner added two verses (John Faulkener and Dolores Keane - live 1978)

Will ye go to Flanders, my Mally-o
Will ye go to Flanders, my bonny Mally-o
You'll see the plaidies furl
And you'll hear the pipies skirling
O will ye go Flanders, my Mally-o

Will ye go to Flanders, my Mally-o
Alang wi' all the Hielanders, my bonny Mally-o
You'll hear the captain call
And you'll see the surgeon thralling
And the sodjers how they fall, O my Mally-o

Ossian 1982

Subject: RE: Origin: Will Ye Go to Flanders
From: GUEST,Billy Ross Date: 25 Apr 12 - 05:20 AM

Just to confirm that I wrote the additional verses

And will ye go tae Flanders my Mally-o
Tae see the bonnie sodjers there my Mally-o
They'll gie us pipes tae blaw
Coats o red an kilts sae braw
The finest o them a' my Mally-o

And will ye go wi me tae Flanders my Mally-o
Gin I'd take the royal shillin my Mally-o
Wid ye tae a foreign shore
A' tae hear the canons roar
and the bloody shouts o' war My Mally-o

And I can offer two more verses;

And will ye go to Flanders, my Mally-o?
Will ye go to Flanders, my bonny Mally-o?
Though you're parting to a cheer,
Will you shed a sorry tear,
As you leave behind your dear, O my Mally-o?

And will ye go to Flanders, my Mally-o?
Will ye go to Flanders, my bonny Mally-o?
When you're marching down the track,
With your musket and your pack,
Do you think that you'll come back, O my Mally-o?