The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #158223   Message #3741398
Posted By: Steve Shaw
02-Oct-15 - 05:01 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Pope in America
Subject: RE: BS: The Pope in America
This post will go down extremely badly with Teresa fans, but here goes anyway. You really do need to watch Christopher Hitchens' Hell's Angel. It's less than half an hour long and it's on YouTube. Nine minutes in, you can see her pronouncements on abortion and contraception from the horse's mouth. 14 minutes in, you can hear her telling the Bhopal victims to "forgive". Regrettably that clip could have been longer, but hey ho. Straight after that you can watch her legitimising the Duvaliers. Shortly after that you can watch her laying a wreath on the tomb of that evil sod Enver Hoxha. See her dealings with the criminal Charles Keating at 21 minutes. Hear her bragging about her convents, paid for by donations from people who thought they were giving to help the poor, at 22 minutes. If you don't watch it, sorry, but you can't knock it. It's not definitive, but it does have stuff that you will find hard to refute.