The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #122213 Message #3741682
Posted By: GUEST,kenny
04-Oct-15 - 07:19 AM
Thread Name: Wiil Ye Go Tae Flanders - best version
Subject: RE: Wiil Ye Go Tae Flanders - best version
From the sleeve notes accompanying "Broken Hearted I'll Wander", by Dolores Keane and John Faulkner, released in 1979.
"I learnt this also from Ewan MacColl,who sung two verses of it on an old LP. Failing to trace any other verses to it anywhere, I took the liberty of making up two more. Peter Hall in Aberdeen told me that the original stanzas date back to the 1st Duke Of marlborough's campaign in Flanders in 1706. Its' pacifist sentiments, though, make it applicable to any of the imperialist wars". - John Faulkner
Mention of Peter Hall above reminded me that Arthur Watson has an excellent version on "The Fighting Scot", a CD recorded by the "Gaugers" in Aberdeen in 1999.
I can provide John Faulkner's lyrics, from the recording, if requested.