The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #158296   Message #3742255
Posted By: Richard Bridge
07-Oct-15 - 10:32 AM
Thread Name: BS: Tory party conference
Subject: RE: BS: Tory party conference
I fail to see how Akenaton can describe himself as a socialist.

The Conservative party conference has revealed plans to drive the poor further into poverty, while the economists say that austerity has failed to produce economic improvement, and tax cuts for the rich and for international capitalists continue.

The poor who fail to force their children to the schools filleted and driven to failure by Gove are to face deductions of fines directly from their benefits - while (for example) G4S get given government contracts while accountants magic their profits out of the UK to avoid UK tax - yet the government will not tax them at source.

The elderly face cuts now on the cynical basis that by the next election they will be dead or too senile to remember who took their money away.

Hunt proposes that UK workers should be driven to greater poverty to compel them to work like the Chinese - who have suicide nets outside their factories and where salespeople who fail their targets are forced to crawl in public.

Plans are leaked to halve the number of beds in the NHS - while statistics from the US show that medical bills are implicated in 60% of US bankruptcies.

As for housing - councils and housing associations face plans to make them sell at huge discounts properties they have built and which house tenants at rents that do not contain a profit element (in effect making them give away money to the property speculators who will finish up owning the houses and rack renting them) - and proposals for "affordable housing" to replace it will create houses that will need a salary of £50,000 pa outside London and £75,000 pa inside London.

Then there are the proposals on council tax - which will give the richest councils more money and take money away from the poorest who most need it for social purposes.

And Trident - roundly condemned by the senior military as useless (and which needs US consent and codes to be used - some "independent deterrent" - planned to be kept in some bizarre international nuclear willy-waving contest and useless against the current waves of theocratic international disruption of civilisation. It doesn't even deter anything - compare the number of times that the non-nuclear Switzerland has recently been invaded.

Then there are the headline grabbing lies - for example that Corbyn called Gaddafi's death but not 9/11 a tragedy - he quite simply did not say that. His words are out there. He said the failure to bring Gaddafi to justice and try him was a tragedy and also said that 9/11 was a tragedy.

Then there's Johnson, calling protesters pierced and tattooed crusties. Look at the pictures. A simple lie based on prejudice.

And IDS - forever calling abject failure a success, ducking and diving frantically to hide how many deaths he has caused.

And the calls for the disabled to earn more by work - calls from the same government that culled Remploy.

I could go on but need to stop.

Finally we come back to Cameron - demanding respect. His total failure over the last government and a bit is no basis for him to be respected. Rather he and Sniffing Gideon (and his lies about the "economic success" that only he and his cronies can see) have earned the contempt and hatred of every right-thinking person.

Perhaps this will be the subterranean movement that will finally unleash the tsunami against these rogues and thieves - now that the dead tree media and right-wing TV can be bypassed. When the people realise how roundly they have been betrayed surely their revenge will be unstoppable.