The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #139333   Message #3742772
Posted By: GUEST,Lee Marks
10-Oct-15 - 12:21 AM
Thread Name: Searching for Kai Moore
Subject: RE: Searching for Kai Moore
I was also a friend of Kai's in the last years of her life. I knew her from her days with Paul in the Santa Cruz Mountains and then much later when we were both living in Oregon. She lived alone with her dogs on the top of a mountain near Roseburg. She was a recluse and seldom left her property, paying people to do her shopping for her and hiring locals to maintain her house and property. Towards the end she became even more withdrawn and less and less communicative with the people she did know from her past. She was hospitalized with a serious heart attack either in late 2008 or early 2009, I can't clearly remember when. She hired some people to take care of her and they basically ripped off all her accumulated "treasures", justifying this by claiming it was their pay for services rendered. She died from a 2nd heart attack less than a year later. She was survived by her sister Lani Moore and cousin Tom Scott. Lani died last year sometime.