The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #158223   Message #3742881
Posted By: GUEST,Shimrod
10-Oct-15 - 04:31 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Pope in America
Subject: RE: BS: The Pope in America
" ... so I guess that means you just accept the evolution story on faith."

Unlike you, I don't accept anything on "faith"!

Lets put it this way: do I give credence to the translated, re-translated and mis-translated myths and legends of some Bronze Age, Middle Eastern goat herders or the model of reality being slowly built up by some of the finest minds of the last 300 years or so? You, and your co-religionists, have arbitrarily decided to view the former as an expression of absolute and inviolable truth but science is an on-going, open-ended ,open-minded and painstaking quest for truth. Concepts such as dark energy and dark matter are not "fudge factors" but genuine discoveries which have yet to be fully explained and are currently the subjects of intensive research. It's easy to pick a few myths, slap the label "absolute truth" on them and then switch your mind off. Contemporary science is in a whole different Universe of thought, striving and effort! Scientists are actually using the brains that 'God' is supposed to have given them. If I was God, I'd give the scientists an 'A' for effort and re-cycle you lot!