The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #158223   Message #3743041
Posted By: Steve Shaw
11-Oct-15 - 10:08 AM
Thread Name: BS: The Pope in America
Subject: RE: BS: The Pope in America
"When you see strata layered, I say it was laid down by the flood, whereas you might say it was deposited over millions or yr.."

Well I rarely take you on over your inane burblings these days, but I have a minute or two. I live on a coastline made of cliffs of alternating massive sandstones and thin shales. The layers are twisted and contorted and faulted like mad. Some of the layers now even stand perfectly vertical. Geologists come here from far and near. Now these layers were laid down in flat layers horizontally or, at worst, on gentle underwater slopes. To get them into their present conformation they had to undergo incredible sideways and vertical forces. That is not possible on the earth's surface; the beds had to be buried under several kilometres of further sediments which later had to be eroded away. The neat anticlinal folds could be created unless the layers were deeply buried and subjected to considerable pressures, otherwise the infilling and consolidation at the fold apices would not have been possible.

Takes time, pete. And study and a bit of thinking. And looking for evidence (we know now that the intense folding happened in a period of huge mountain-building in the Carboniferous, the Variscan phase - there is corroboration from other parts of the UK and Europe). Laid down in the Flood doesn't begin to cut it. It doesn't explain anything about the rocks round here. And a flood as described in the Bible could not have produced the thousands of metres of sediment in the first place. Sediment is formed only by stuff being moved by water, wind or gravity from one place to another. A single flood event that Noah might have endured could not remotely have managed it. There simply wasn't enough water, enough stuff to move and nothing like enough time. And you need to explain where all that stuff that needed to be moved in order to make those layers came from in the first place. Of course, if you believe only in miracles, anything is possible. Good for you. I suppose it saves you ever having to actually use your brain. I don't think Jesus would be very proud of you for that. One day St Peter will be asking you why you never used the greatest gift that God gave you. What are you going to say?