The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #29511   Message #374311
Posted By: GUEST,MAV
14-Jan-01 - 09:27 AM
Thread Name: Conservative Cavalry Round THREE!!!
Subject: RE: Conservative Cavalry Round THREE!!!
Sorry 'bout that, the cat was helping me post.

I realize I'm speaking to people from all over the world on this forum.

Given that, I also realize there is a need for a social safety net in any society. Its POINT OF ORIGIN is the issue between liberals and conservatives.

We (as American Conservatives) believe that this is a nation of laws, not of men. The outgoing administration has had quite the opposite view and has trampled on the Constitution at every turn.

In the US we have 50 states (nations) many of which have GDPs as large as industrialized countries elsewhere in the world.

They are each supposed to have their own soverignty but share a common defense (Navy).

The Constitution outlines what powers are GIVEN to the federal government.

Then there's this little thing called the Tenth Amendment.

"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people"

Plain, simple and in layman's language.

The rest of the powers that are given to the federal government BY THE PEOPLE are also outlined in as plain language in this SHORT document.

All that Conservatives are saying is "socialism" should occur at the state and local levels (people) where it is not disallowed, and in a matter self-determined by those various levels of government.

A strong family structure is the historic and proven foundation of any society. This is one reason why the poor get poorer etc. Weak family structure results in poorly enforced dicipline in both behavior and education. Also the crime statistics show a huge number of the career criminals in the US come from single parent families.

This has only been made worse by the $5 Trillion waste of taxpayer funding of the "War on Poverty". Guess what, poverty won.

The male (father figure) in those demographic groups slated for "help" has been relegated to irrelevance by well meaning liberals since the "gubmint" provides the monthly income. This helps formulate the "attitude" and likely of criminal activity prevalent in those groups.

It's also a trap since there is no possibility of opportunity or escape. Many public assistance programs yank the financial rug from under those who get entry level jobs and practically guarantee failure and return to the welfare rolls.

The family is the bottom rung on the ladder of governing structures, (Not as long as you're living in my home you won't) followed by community/church, city, county and state)

The closer the point of origin of assistance is to the recipient, the more successful it will be.

Stigma is a useful component missing from federal assistance since the "caring what people think" concept does not come from a Washington bureaucrat. There are cases where the drug/alcohol addictions are treated as a "disability" and their habit is then subsidized.

You will see the incoming Bush administration making good on a promise to enhance and encourage community based organizations and allow the self-serving unionized social bureaucracies die by attrition.

When someone retires or quits, their "non-essential position" circles the bowl.