The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #29564   Message #374371
Posted By: Troll
14-Jan-01 - 12:37 PM
Thread Name: BS: Florida Folk Festival Camping
Subject: Florida Folk Festival Camping
I just got my packet for the Fla. Folk Fest. Among the various forms was the camping request form.
As most of you old-timers know, the campground was radically changed last year with new bathhouses and electric and water hookups. A lot of people didn't like the changes because it separated us into definite areas inbstead of the old higgley piggley style of camping.
'Tis said that what cannot be cured must be endured.
Well, heres a new thing to endure.
There will be a $10.00 camping fee PER PERSON this year. That's right kids, $10.00 per person for the right to camp at the Festival. Performers, SO's, kids,whoever, will be charged ten buck apiece if they want to camp for the weekend.
To me, this smacks of being asked to pay for the priviledge of playing. If we get any money at all, it's $50 for carfare (on alternate years) and that barely covers the cost of gas when you have a nine piece klezmer band.
I realize that the improvments must be paid for although our taxes SHOULD take care of that. I could probably choke down a $10.00/campsite fee, but this is too much.
I have sent an e-mail to Ken Crawford in Tallahassee ( about this matter but if a satisfactory solution cannot be reached, I will not perform this year.
It will be my first miss in 32 years but you have to draw the line somewhere. If anyone has info on this matter, please post it. This is not a trend that I like to see.
