The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #158223   Message #3743711
Posted By: GUEST,Peter from seven stars link
13-Oct-15 - 06:05 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Pope in America
Subject: RE: BS: The Pope in America
Well dmcg, it seems that you are restricting where the evidence should be sought, ie you are asking for it from the very bodies that will not publish papers from a creationist viewpoint unless it slips through unnoticed . Before anyone asks, I don't have details to hand so take it or leave it. Be that as it may, it is still evading the issue. Either the creation sites are lying about the evidence (as the more fanatical atheists might think!) or they misinterpret the evidence. In which case , how do you interpret it...   Mostly I just get pious words about science being willing to live with uncertainty etc etc , when evolutionists don't have an answer for findings that contradict the paradigm. The mindset seems to be...we know evolution is true, so we shall have to wait for an answer as to why experimental science contradicts it...   And in defence of it little is offered except arguments from authority and numbers.                   You make much of my use of...much...    Perhaps I could have been more guarded but some of the points were pretty prominent in evolutionism, so I think it reasonable.       As to whether the list will do, I certainly think it will, as I understood the challenge. No list, and no evidence , and no argument will convince the entrenched believer !