The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #158223   Message #3744714
Posted By: Steve Shaw
17-Oct-15 - 02:00 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Pope in America
Subject: RE: BS: The Pope in America
I thought I'd asked a simple question. Do you think that a supernatural God (in whom you surely believe in some form or other, otherwise you'd be an atheist like me) created the universe/universes/earth/us/everything? I must confess that I don't understand the mincing of words here. Excluded middle? Both did and didn't?

Science is about what's in this world. Models, or theories, try to explain the reality before us. The models explain the actuality, but the actuality is what we have. The cave people saw the moon, the actuality, and devised a model to explain it. Actually, the simplest of models can work the most perfectly. There is nothing wrong with the simple model of the earth going round the sun. It is abundantly verifiable and works perfectly within its own terms. Complicated models, such as the ones meteorologists use to predict the weather, are fraught, as we know. I think that comparing Genesis to scientific models is fallacious. Genesis is an account that might be 100% historical, 100% myth, or any point in between, and cannot be corroborated. Models or theories are capable of being modified, added to or ditched, according to the accretion of evidence. And terms like "he" for God, and sunrise and sunset, keep scientists within the realms of human beings, rather than in the realms of Mr Spocks. No harm in that. I'm not up for going around having to explain my complicated language to everyone. I'm a botanist and I know the Latin name of every British wildflower. Would you enjoy a nature ramble with me if I used them exclusively instead of the less scientifically-useful English names?