The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #158382   Message #3745582
Posted By: GUEST,ollaimh
21-Oct-15 - 12:22 AM
Thread Name: BS: Views from Canada
Subject: RE: BS: Views from Canada
again trudeau ran a decant and principled campaign, and was positive in the face of personal attacks from both harper and mulcair. mulcair was a one time Margaret supporter when a cabinet minister in quebec, a real political opportunist. harper is an evil racist and oild industry hack who would sell out the country to make one more nickel for his oil industry backers. the alberta oil run conservatives ruined alberta--never collecting world level royalities, and never saving them, and creating the toxic wasteland of the north. and they tried to do that for all of Canada.

so we are free of this scheming evil man. the worst of racist Christianity and the toxic oil and military industries.

trudeau faces challenges, but I doubt he will lie cheat and bribe to get through like harper did.

so we are free at last!!