The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #29572   Message #374586
Posted By: Little Hawk
14-Jan-01 - 07:44 PM
Thread Name: What does the word 'God' mean to you?
Subject: RE: What does the word 'God' mean to you?
"God" - to me means All That Is. All that is seen and all that is not. All thought, energy, form, and manifestation. All beings. All worlds. All potential.

One could just as well call it Goddess, since it is clearly observable that the female principle is found throughout Nature. I do sometimes call it Goddess.

One could also call it the Great Spirit...or one could call it Nature, Logic, Truth, Love, Divinity, Soul, Relativity or anything is all of those things. It is the Tao, the sacred Way of things.

The unenlightened man walks around in the midst of it, partaking of it in every moment, and sees it not. Then he invents a god which is separate from himself, a distant and demanding god, a cosmic bully, and he builds idols to this god, and writes holy books about it, and commits murder in its name. From that rise religions and religious orders.

God is completely beyond religion and does not require anyone's worship. God simply is. And no one is cast out.

"I am you and you are me and we are us and we are all together" to quote the Beatles.

We are God.


And I like Gandhi's definition best of all. Beautiful. Gandhi knew what he was talking about.

- LH