The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #29572   Message #374601
Posted By: kendall
14-Jan-01 - 08:07 PM
Thread Name: What does the word 'God' mean to you?
Subject: RE: What does the word 'God' mean to you?
When we hear the word "God" most of us think of whatever we were trained to think. I believe that "God" is pure energy, and, that love is not only an emotion, but, is also energy. The fastest, strongest energy in the universe. It is a creative energy for the most part, but, can also destroy when necessary. It is very hard for me to believe that God actually speaks to anyone. All that twaddle comes from religeon. Now, every thing in the universe started in the same place as a part of the whole (including "God") and that includes us. The concept of god as a being, like us, is silly. There again, invented by people who need a "Boss". This is all my own opinion, and I am entitled to it.