The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #29511   Message #374632
Posted By: Lox
14-Jan-01 - 08:57 PM
Thread Name: Conservative Cavalry Round THREE!!!
Subject: RE: Conservative Cavalry Round THREE!!!
This argument has become too wordy.

Mav has identified the key point.

It is this - To what extent do we need a safety net?

I think that America could do with patching up some big holes.

Governments and Laws exist (in my opinion) to protect the citizens of the state they govern.

If they don't, there is no point in having them.

Wealth in America is distributed criminally.

Most people have no faith in the electoral system, and don't bother with the only way they have of making themselves heard - voting.

Who cares?


Are you thinking about your compatriots or yourself or (ideally) both equally?

Are you thinking about your country only, or do you accept that the fate of any country, especially the united states, is inextricably bound to the fates of other countries. (remember - it works both ways).

Will "Dubya" have even the remotest idea how to liase with Chinese, Russian or European Union leaders.

how will all this affect you - and your compatriots - and your global brethren.

What are your priorities?

This last question goes out to everyone.
