The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #158223   Message #3746717
Posted By: Steve Shaw
26-Oct-15 - 02:17 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Pope in America
Subject: RE: BS: The Pope in America
References please.

There is myth. Great when it's recognised as such. There is fiction. Great when it's recognised as such. Then there are downright lies. Peddling myth as truth is lying. Religion lies wholesale to children all the time. It is disingenuous and thoroughly dishonest to pretend that little children have the skill and the experience to discriminate. Religion wants children to believe those lies. Jesus came back from the dead. Jesus turned water into wine and brought people back to life and cured diseases with one touch. Mary was a virgin. Lies, lies, lies, and plenty more where they came from. The evidence for that is the billions of people who grow into adulthood still believing them. And they believe them so completely that they don't even realise that they are lying to their own children when they pass them on. This is the modus operandi of religion. It can't survive any other way.