The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #158223   Message #3746985
Posted By: Steve Shaw
27-Oct-15 - 10:13 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Pope in America
Subject: RE: BS: The Pope in America
I don't think that children should be formally exposed to religious practice at all. I think that all children should be taught about religions. There's no need for health warnings if that's done honestly. What parents do is different. I have opinions on that but I know I can't enforce what I think to be right, nor would I wish to. By making my points about that on a Mudcat thread I'm venting my spleen, no more than that really. I think there should be no faith schools and I would do away with the silly and illiberal requirement for a daily act of worship in schools, on the grounds that schools are places of education, not indoctrination. I hate the concept of parents opting their kids out of religious instruction and worship. We had that choice as parents and we didn't exercise it, as we had no desire to have our children singled out. It's wrong that we should have been in that invidious position. The default position in a fair society should be no religion unless you opt in. Not BE opted in by parents or anyone else, but you yourself freely opting in. I'm not quite sure what else I can say on this, but feel free to ask!